Dr. Vickremabahu Karunaratne, General Secretary, Nava Sama Samaja Party.
The brutal murder of EPRLF Secretary General K. Pathmanabha, Jaffna District M.P., V.K. Yogasankari, North-East Provincial Council Finance Minister, Kirupakaran and other leaders of the EPRLF by the LTTE exposes the nature of the LTTE regime in the North-East. It further explodes the claim of the Tigers that they are the sole representatives of the Tamil speaking people. If so, why on earth do they carry out brutal annihilation of all those politicians who are opposed to them? They want to become the sole representatives of the Tamils in Sri Lanka not by consent, but by ruthless repression of all other viewpoint, in particular by murdering Left and socialist Tamil leaders like A.K. Annamalai, Vijayananthan etc.
Tigers have created a new oppressive society where, they have become the Brahmin ruling caste. Those who do not submit passively to their dictatorship are eliminated ruthlessly as ‘parayas’ who disobey the lords. It is the Premadasa regime which helped them to establish total hegemony in the Tamil - speaking areas, with Tamil leaders such as Amirthalingam and Yogeswaran being murdered almost at the doorstep of the Presidential palace. Premadasa wanted to make use of the LTTE to stabilise his reactionary regime.
Now these two reactionary regimes have started a war, with all the untold hard ship and misery it inflicts on the Tamil speaking people in particular and on all working people in general, with the intention of perpetuating their powers separately.
The only way out of this endless misery is to overthrow these reactionary regimes and to establish a revolutionary Left Government capable of delivering democracy, equality and the right of self-determination to all nationalities.
Meanwhile, the present senseless war could well have been avoided if the Premadasa Government had taken meaningful steps to devolve powers on the North-East Provincial Government in good time.