History alone Would Peace him in high Position
Comrade Pathmanbha is no more. He along with 13 other EPRLF comrades,
was gunned down recently in Madras by the LTTE, which knows no end of killing of its opponents, there by exposing its own political nakedness and losing rather than gaining popular support. Comrade Nabha led the EPRLF as its Secretary - General from its inception. He will always by remembered by the progressive forces for leading the EPRLF along anticapitalist and anti - imperialist lines as the wayout for the Tamil-speaking people.
When what was originally the EPLF, before long, metamorphoses into the EPRLF, that in itself provided a pointer as to the progressive nature of the path the organisation was beginning to tread. The EPRLF started working patiently to mobilise the people, particularly all downtrodden layers, the peasants, the tody workers and all working people and thereby inter-twined the national liberation struggle with working class struggles. This alone speakes well of the maturing perspectives of Comrade Pathmanbha who eschewed parochialism and identified the EPRLF with the problems faced by the working class and peasant masses in the South.
We of the NSSP who have been unswervingly in the forefront of the fight for self-determination of the Tamil speaking people, and complete equality for them, have naturally defended the aspirations which Comrade Pathmanbha sought to achieve for the Tamil speaking people. However, that has in no way deterred us from criticising the EPRLF whenever it was, and is, necessary to do so. Comrade Nabha himself cautioned the rank and file of his organisation way back in the mid - 1980s to “keep correcting themselves through self- criticism, love the people and win over their affection without which it would not be possible to mobilise the masses”. The best tribute one can pay Comrade Pathmanbha is to live up to his expectations always. Under Comrade Nabha’s guidance, the EPRLF strove very hard to get adequate powers for the North - East Provincial Council which could have obviated their desire for the unnecessary dependence on the IPKF. The reactionary UNP Govt’s refusal to devolve due powers in good season led to a situation where Comrade Nabha who brought the EPRLF into mainstream politics had to leave the country for want of security. So the Premadasa Govt. is largely responsible for the murder of Comrade Nabha, in that it is no secret that the Govt. connived with the LTTE at all stages of the events that finally led up to the murder of Comrades Pathmanbha. Yogasankari and others.
The criminals will be indicated by history and history alone would place Comrade
Nabha in the high position he verily deserves.
The NSSP pays homage to Comrade Nabha’s memory.
When what was originally the EPLF, before long, metamorphoses into the EPRLF, that in itself provided a pointer as to the progressive nature of the path the organisation was beginning to tread. The EPRLF started working patiently to mobilise the people, particularly all downtrodden layers, the peasants, the tody workers and all working people and thereby inter-twined the national liberation struggle with working class struggles. This alone speakes well of the maturing perspectives of Comrade Pathmanbha who eschewed parochialism and identified the EPRLF with the problems faced by the working class and peasant masses in the South.
We of the NSSP who have been unswervingly in the forefront of the fight for self-determination of the Tamil speaking people, and complete equality for them, have naturally defended the aspirations which Comrade Pathmanbha sought to achieve for the Tamil speaking people. However, that has in no way deterred us from criticising the EPRLF whenever it was, and is, necessary to do so. Comrade Nabha himself cautioned the rank and file of his organisation way back in the mid - 1980s to “keep correcting themselves through self- criticism, love the people and win over their affection without which it would not be possible to mobilise the masses”. The best tribute one can pay Comrade Pathmanbha is to live up to his expectations always. Under Comrade Nabha’s guidance, the EPRLF strove very hard to get adequate powers for the North - East Provincial Council which could have obviated their desire for the unnecessary dependence on the IPKF. The reactionary UNP Govt’s refusal to devolve due powers in good season led to a situation where Comrade Nabha who brought the EPRLF into mainstream politics had to leave the country for want of security. So the Premadasa Govt. is largely responsible for the murder of Comrade Nabha, in that it is no secret that the Govt. connived with the LTTE at all stages of the events that finally led up to the murder of Comrades Pathmanbha. Yogasankari and others.
The criminals will be indicated by history and history alone would place Comrade
Nabha in the high position he verily deserves.
The NSSP pays homage to Comrade Nabha’s memory.