He was aware of imperialistic Intrigues
Member Political Bureau, Communist Party Of India (Marxist)
I had the opportunity to get acquainted with late K.Pathmanabha, the General Sec

K. Pathmanabha had a balanced approach to these problems. He had clear perception that the problems of the Tamils would be solved only in cooperation with the Left and democratic forces of Sri Lanka. He did his best to fight narrow chauvinist tendencies within the movement. He realised the importance of friendship with India. He was constantly aware of the dangers of imperialist intrigues. All these perceptions helped the EPRLF and many other Tamil groups to take firm political positions in favour of the India - Sri Lanka Agreement. He upheld the Accord as the solution to the Sri Lankan problem in a manner providing for the safeguarding of the interests of the Tamil people while at the same time ensuring the unity and integrity of Sri Lanka.
The setting up of the North East Provincial Council was a measure which came about due to the leadership provided by Pathmanabha and the EPRLF. Unfortunately the refusal by the Sri Lankan government to devolve powers sabotaged its functioning.
K.Pathmanabha and the EPRLF under his leadership strived their best to get the accord implemented even in the midst of most vicious attacks on it from reactionary Sinhalese and Tamil chauvinist forces. He tried till the end to unite all sections of the Tamils to struggle for their just cause. For this reason K.Padmanabha and some of his colleagues became the victims of the bullets of the cowardly assassins at Madras.
The tragic death of this devoted fighter for a just cause is undoubtedly a great loss to the democratic and progressive forces in Sri Lanka. Let me express the hope that progressive sections of the Tamil youth would draw inspiration from the ideals and concepts for which K.Pathmanabha laid down his life.